East Central District

VACANT - Accepting letters of interest to the SEC and SM

Information and Announcements:

January 29, 2025:  Dennis "Sam" Martin, KN9SAM, has been appointed as the EC of Brown and Kewaunee Counties.

District Repeaters and Nets:
East Central District

WeComm   NET:  First Thursday of the Month at 2000hrs

Brown / Kewaunee County

147.120+  107.2   NET: Tuesday 1900hrs

147.120 Simplex  NET: Tuesday 1900hrs

146.420 Simples  NET: Tuesday 1900hrs

Calumet County

444.800+  Pl 107.2

147.300+ pl 107.2   NET: Sunday 2000hrs

Dodge County

146.640- pl 123.0   NET: Mon & Thu 1930hrs - informational followed by Fusion

442.975+ pl 123.0  

Door County

146.730+  pl107.2   NET: Sunday 1930hrs

147.210+  pl 107.2

Fond Du Lac

145.430+  pl 97.4   NET: Sunday 1900hrs

147.090+  pl 107.2

Green Lake

146.95-  pl 123.0   NET:  Sunday 2000hrs


146.895-  pl 146.2   NET: Tuesday 1900hrs

146.610-  pl 107.2


146.655-  pl 100   NET: Sunday 2000


147.390+  pl 118.8   Backup

146.925-  pl 118.8   NET:  Sunday 2000hrs


147.285+  pl 123.0


147.240+  pl 100   NET: Sunday at 1900hrs

Emergency Coordinators:

Fond Du Lac Co - John Archer, NO9X

Fond Du Lac Co - John Archer, NO9X

Green Lake Co - VACANT

Kewaunee Co - Sam Martin, KN9SAM

Manitowoc Co - John Hamilton, W9AH

Marquette CoGeorge Lampere, AB9CQ

Outagamie Co - VACANT

Sheboygan Co - John Archer, NO9X

Waushara Co - George Lampere, AB9CQ

Winnebago Co - Aaron Ward, AC9X