Southeast District
Information and Announcements:
Check back often for the most recent information.
District Repeaters and Nets
Jefferson County
145.490 pl 123.0 NET: Wednesdays at 2000hrs
Kenosha / Racine Counties
146.430 pl 114.8 NET: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th Wednesday at 1900hrs
147.270 pl 127.3 NET: 3rd Wednesday at 1930hrs
Milwaukee / Waukesha Counties
147.165 pl 127.3 NET: Mondays at 2030hrs
Ozaukee County
147.330 pl 127.3 NET: 1st and 2nd Thursday at 1900hrs
** Net at 2000hrs between Memorial Day and Labor Day
Walworth County
146.685 pl 127.3 NET: Monday at 2000hrs
Washington County
147.210 pl 127.3 NET: Thursday at 2015hrs
Emergency Coordinators:
Jefferson Co - Michael Birch, KD9BDL
Kenosha Co - Tom Burger, KA9KJE
Milwaukee Co - Brian Jansen, KC9GMW
Ozaukee Co - Don Zank, AA9WP
Racine Co - Tom Burger, KA9KJE
Walworth Co - Elijah Larson, K9ILJ
Washington Co - VACANT
Waukesha Co - Brian Jansen, KC9GMW